Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As I walk this is my prayer

"You, God, hold my every moment. You calm my raging seas. You walk with me through fire and heal all my disease. I trust in you! I trust in you! I believe that you're my healer. I believe You are all I need. I believe you're my portion. I believe You're more than enough for me. Nothing is impossible for you. You hold my world in your hands."-Healer


Joy Meyer said...

I'm praying for safety in your travels today - both you and Greg. I know you will have wonderful experiences where you grow in knowledge and faith. Blessings to you both!

Unknown said...

I love you!

Cynthia said...

Dear JoJo,
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. I hope you blog often. I know I do, and it is a wonderful way to keep people close, let them know you love them and share WHO you are.
Happy traveling and stay safe!

Debbie Dykstra said...

Just checking to see if you landed yet. We love you. Me and Scott hung out tonight. He loaded skype for me. Please email me when you are able to. When will you be on skype? Love, Mom and Scotty