Here are some photos of my house. The top left is where we eat meals, it is the view from my bedroom. The top right is the front room. There is a tv in there, we watch a lot of television. Nica's like things loud because that means happiness, when things are queit it signals lonliness, therefore either the stero or tv is always on. The tv is good because then all of us can laugh together. The bottom left is the kitchen (La cocina). The bottom right is the front of the house. It is enclosed by a gate. In the picture is Yasert y Greiselda. The dog's name is Rambo, he is there for protection. There are a lot of pretty gardens in the yard too.
One thing that you may notice from the pictures is that every thing is open. The picture of the kitchen there are those holes in the wall, they go to the outside. In the front room, where the flowers are, the roof is not a roof, it is open. It is very beautiful. I feel at home in my house.
I went over to the nieghbors house and I met the rooster, there are actually two of them and they are novios(boyfriend and girlfriend). The lady also has a parrot, Laura, that talks and sings in the morning, day, and night. I am used to thier chatter, it actaully is pretty cool!
I have made a lot of Nica friends, they are very sweet people. There are two girls across the street. The one is name Jennifer, she is 17. Jennifer and Joshua who is about 10 like to play kickball with me in the street at night. I have done that for the past couple of nights. Jennifer's sister is Errika, she is 23. Last night we talked a lot, she studied english for a while. She talks to me in English and I talk to her in Spanish, so that we can help eachother learn.
Today we went to a church called Iglesia Verbo. I LOVED IT! It reminded me of my church at home, Mercy Hill. The only differnece is that it was louder and bigger. Nica's have very very loud churches, its really cool. The songs were in spanish, but I understood all of them, and three of them were Hillsong songs. The sermon was in spanish, but there was a translator. I want to go back there.
Tommorow I start classes at the Nehamiah Center. I will be taking spanish and Nica culture/history. I will take classes for half the time I am here. I will be taught by some staff at the center. The last half of the semster I will do my internship.
I wish I could tell you guys everything, but that would take so much time. Thank you for being interested in my life, I feel special becasue you all read what I have to say!
Thank you for your prayers!!
Te Amo
Oh you're welcome, and of course you are special and not the "ed" kind either lol. Looks beautiful. I am glad you are having a great experience so far.
The house is so pretty. I love the flowers and openness. It is cool how they have a part with no roof. How is your spanish coming?
WOW Joanna, thanks for the updates, I love your details, it feels like I know your house now. :-) Thinking of you guys!
Hey Jojo, I am excited to hear how you are doing. I am going to start studying Spanish so I can get by on our visit! We have not booked a place yet, however, maybe after talking to locals, you might have some insight.
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