We came to Costa Rica in order to learn more about the topic of immigration. Because the politics and economy are very bad in Nicaragua many immigrate to Costa Rica for work. We have had the opportunity to talk to people on all sides of the issue. Yesterday, we we did some touring of Costa Rica and we went to a human rights organization to interview one of the ladies who works in the area of immigration rights.
Today we had some more fun. We climbed up to see a crater volcano and also a crater laguna. They were both very beautiful. Along the way we had some fun adventures too! It was bittersweet these past two days because I have been very nauseous and I was wheezing all the way up the volcano, but I tried to make the best of it.
But today we saw something different and I want to try and describe my situation to you.
I wanted to vomit because I was not feeling well, because we were driving up and down mountains all day, because their were some foul smells, because all I wanted to do was cry.
I wanted to cry because I did not know how to process the things I was seeing, not the volcano,
but the second half of our day, La Carpio. La Carpio is a Nicaraguan neighborhood that has formed in Costa Rica. It is a community of people who have a great hope to make a better life. I have no pictures to share, but I do have a stories.
I came to Costa Rica 14 years ago. I came because I wanted to work. I came here because I had no money. I work at my fruit stand from 7am to 6pm every day. I praise God because of his love for me. I have scars on my legs because of my husband. He took my house and all I had from me. But I praise God for his love. I want to go back to Nicaragua, but the government is unstable and I can not afford to go back and visit.
I have been here for 5 years. I hope to go back to Nicaragua when I have reached my goal. It is very hard to save money because I only make 60 dollars a month, I have managed to save some though. All I want is to work, I don't care what it is. Right now I sell ice cream on the street, but they do not pay me very much. During coffee season I can pick coffee. I do not have my papers, I walked alone through the mountains for five days to get here, I will do anything to provide for my family. I praise God for he is in control and everything is in his timing.
Today many people opened up their homes to us and talked openly about their lives and answered the questions we had. I can't describe the community to you, but it is full of people who do not have much physically but are filled with hope, spiritually they are rich. The dilemma is that I don't know where to go from here. All they asked is that we pray for their families. That we pray for more people to know Christ. That I can and will do. Its just really hard to see amazing people suffer, because its really hard to just walk away and go on with your day, you want to help so bad, but its like I just don't know how.
Maybe by the time I leave here I will understand better how to truly love people the way Christ does.